Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Initial Assessment

Following interview and enrolment, learners access appropriate assessment tasks to identify current levels. Additionally, learning levels, support information, and planning details are carried over from previous providers, family, and additional support services.

Formative & Summative Assessment

A CCi programme supports constant monitoring and planning to continually assess learning levels and progress, and offer reviewed targets to stretch and challenge students throughout their range of learning opportunities. Progression is documented through Individual Learning Plans (ILP), with CCi Tutors providing regular opportunity for Review meetings.

Independent Careers Advice is provided through partnership with the ‘Preparing for Adulthood Advice and Guidance Service’.


Learning is Accredited through
various awarding bodies, including:

  • Gateway Qualifications
  • ASDAN LifeSkills Challenge
  • British Values Certificate of Trust (CCi)

“Staff provide very effective support for students, enabling them to manage their anxieties and behaviours well…” OFSTED 2019